How to set up Cove Comment on the Ghost Website


Enamul Haque

7 minutes read

09 Nov 2023

If you're looking to engage with your audience and encourage discussions on your Ghost website, adding a comment system can be a valuable addition. Cove is a popular comment system that integrates seamlessly with Ghost, allowing you to create a space for your readers to leave their thoughts and interact with your content. It is known for its clean design, ease of use, and moderation tools. Cove Comment also offers a number of features that are not available in Ghost's built-in commenting system, such as comment reactions, nested comments, and comment moderation tools. In this blog, I will guide you through the steps to set up Cove comments on your Ghost website.

Overview, You will learn from this Blog:

  • Introduction
  • How to Create Custom Integration in Ghost.
  • How to Create Cove account.
  • How to Set Ghost integration credentials in Cove.
  • How to set up a cove comment account with Ghost.
  • Updating your Ghost theme
  • Summary of the Blog
  • FAQs

Benefits of using Cove Comment on your Ghost website

Cove Comment offers a number of benefits over Ghost's built-in commenting system, including:

  • A clean and modern design
  • Easy of use
  • A variety of moderation tools
  • Comment reactions
  • Nested comments
  • The ability to translate the comment section into any language

If you are looking for a powerful and easy-to-use commenting system for your Ghost website, Cove Comment is a great option.

To set up Cove Comment on your Ghost website, you will need to:

  1. Enable Members in Ghost, including setting up the email system
  2. Create a new custom integration in Ghost Admin.
  3. Create a Cove account.
  4. Set your Ghost integration credentials in the Cove account.
  5. Download and edit your current Ghost theme
  6. Add the Cove Comment code to your Ghost theme.
  7. Re-upload your Ghost theme.

This is a simple overview of installing Cove. In your Cove account, you will find detailed steps, with code to copy and paste.

Step 1: Creating a new custom integration in Ghost

1 Pic-min.png

To create a new custom integration in Ghost, Go to Settings > Integrations then click on the Add custom integration button in the Ghost dashboard.

Pic2 Custom integration-min.png

Step 2: Creating a Cove account

Pic3 Cove image-min.png

To create a Cove account, visit the Cove website and enter your email address to get started Sign up. Once you have created an account, you will need to verify your email address and then you will provide some information.

Step 3: Setting your Ghost integration credentials in Cove

Pic4 Cove credentials-min.png

Once you have created a new custom integration in Ghost, you will need to set your Ghost integration credentials in your Cove account.

Enter the following details in the fields:

  • Name- Give your site name in the name field.
  • Ghost content API Key - Enter your Ghost content API key that you find in your created cove integration in the ghost dashboard.
  • Ghost Admin API Key - Enter your Ghost admin API key that you find in your created cove integration.
  • Ghost API URL and Site URL - You also find this URL in your cove integration.

You can copy this information from your cove comment integration in ghost admin. To do this Go to Integration > Custom the option then click on the integration to see all the information.

Pic5 Open integration-min.png

On the next page, you will see a list of your Ghost integration credentials.

Pic6 integration 2-min.png

Step 4: Adding the Cove Comment code to your Ghost theme

First Download your theme then open it with the code editor to add this code to the theme.

1. Add Cove's Javascript file to your theme

You need to add a comment.js file cdn link above the {{ghost_foot}} tag in the default.hbs file. You will find this line of code in your Cove comment account. To copy your Cove’s javascript file go to your Cove account Click on the comment tab > Installation instructions > Comments you will find it in step 2 in the installation guide.

<script src="<>" data-cove-id="add_your_cove_id_here" async></script>
ghsot comment settings example
Add Cove's Javascript file to your theme
Note: Please don’t copy the code line above. It’s just for example this code is not working in your theme. You need to copy your code from your cove comment account.

2. Add the comments code to your template

To add the Cove Comment code to your Ghost theme, you will need to locate the template file where you want to insert comments on your site. This is usually inside post.hbs , right after the content section of your posts.

<section class="article-comments gh-canvas">
    {{#if @site.members_enabled}}
    <h2><span id="cove-count"></span> Comments</h2>
    <div id="cove"></div>

    {{#if @member}}
        <p>Signed in as {{}} · <a href="javascript:" data-members-signout>Sign out</a></p>
        <p>Become a {{@site.title}} member below to join the conversation. As a member, you will also receive new posts by email (you can unsubscribe at any time).</p>
        <form data-members-form="signin" id="cove-login">
        <input class="cove-input" data-members-email type="email" required="true" placeholder="" />
        <button type="submit" class="cove-button">Sign in to comment</button>
        <span class="signin-success" style="display:none">Great! Please check your inbox for a log in link.</span>
        <span class="signin-error" style="display:none">Something didn't work. Please try again.</span>

    const Cove = {
        publication: "YOUR_SITE_ID",
        contentId: "{{id}}",
        memberId: "{{@member.uuid}}",
        memberEmail: "{{}}"
Add the comments code to your ghost template
Add the comments code to your template

On the other way, In your theme partials folder, you can make a new file called comments.hbs.

Copy and paste the following code snippets into your new comments.hbs file.

Comments file in partial folder (example)
Comments file in partial folder

Now add the following code to your post.hbs templates. Paste it where you want to show in your post.

{{> comments}}
ghost comment settings (example)
Important Note: The code must be placed between the {{#post}} and {{/post}} tags on your post template, otherwise Cove will not work.

3. Show comment counts in your post lists

If you want to show how many comments each post has when people are browsing your homepage or post archives then follow the instructions below.

To add comment counters, simply add the following code in your post loop, which is typically found post.hbs file in the theme folder. You can add this code in the post meta section or any other place you want to like.

<span data-cove-count-comments="{{id}}"></span>
ghost comment settings example
Display comment count

After adding this will display something like 3 comments for each post in your post list.

Step 5: Updating your Ghost theme

Once you have added the Cove Comment code to your theme, you will need to update your theme. To do this, go to Settings > Design & Branding > Change Theme in the Ghost Admin dashboard click on the "Upload theme" button, and upload your updated theme file.

Once your theme has been updated, Cove Comment will be enabled on your website. You can now start accepting comments from your visitors!

Pic 7-min.png


In summary, Cove Comments is a powerful and easy-to-use commenting platform that can help you build a community around your Ghost website. By following the steps above, you can set up Cove comments on your Ghost website in minutes. Embrace Cove and make your website a hub for meaningful discussions and feedback. Start the conversation today!


Do you have any questions about how to set up Cove's comment on the Ghost Website? We have answers to some frequently asked questions on the topic.

Is Cove mobile-friendly?

Yes, Cove comments are optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that your readers can easily engage with your content on various platforms.

Is Cove free to use, or does it have a pricing structure?

Cove offers different pricing plans, including a free tier with basic features and premium plans with additional functionalities. You can choose the plan that best suits your needs and budget.

Is Cove Comment secure?

Yes, Cove Comment is secure. Cove Comment uses industry-standard security practices to protect your data.

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