On this page

Getting Started

General Information

Thank you for purchasing our Arkai WordPress theme. This documentation file covers all the information needed to install and use this theme. So before you get started, please check out these documentation files carefully.

If you find any kind of issue or bug don’t hesitate to contact us. We will resolve your problem as soon as possible.

Theme Installation

To install the theme, you must have WordPress already installed on your server.

Using WordPress Dashboard

  • Download the full theme ZIP package and Extract it to the normal folder
  • Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on Appearance > Themes
  • Click on Add New Themes then click on Upload Theme
  • Browse for inside the extracted folder then click Open
  • Click on the Install Now Button
  • After finishing the installation process click on Activate the Theme Button
Step 1: Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add New Button

Step-2: Click on the Upload Theme > Choose theme file then click on the Install Now button

Step-2: Click on the Upload Theme > Choose theme file then click on the Install Now button
Theme install

Uploading the theme via (FTP)

  • Extract to the normal folder.
  • Open the WordPress installation directory.
  • Go to /wp-content/themes directory.
  • Upload the Araki folder to that "themes" directory.

Theme Activation and Registration

ThemeForest regular theme license is meant to be activated for one website at a time.

Install Required & Recommended Plugins

After installing the Arkai theme, the theme shows a message to Begin Installing Plugins. Follow the instructions to install and activate them.

Install Required & Recommended Plugins

To install all required and recommended plugins follow the steps below:

  • Click On Begin installing Plugins
  • Select all the Required & Recommended plugins then
  • Click on Bulk Actions, choose Install from the options
  • Click on Apply or you can install them one by one.
Select all plugins and install them

After installing all plugins, activate them. To activate the plugins follow the instructions below:

  • Click on Bulk Actions, choose Activate, then select the plugin and click on the Apply Button
Plugin install

Installing new plugins from WP plugin Repository

You can also install any plugin from the WordPress plugin repository just go to Plugins > Add New Type or paste the plugin name and wait until it appears then install and activate it.

Import Demo Content

Arkai theme has 2 demo content. You can import our demo content just one click.

One Click import demo content

  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Import Demo Data
  • Browse available demos and click Import Demo on the one you want to import.
Import Demo Content

Manually import demo content

In the arkai theme folder you will find the XML demo content file “arkai-demo-data.xml”. To import it follow the steps:

  • Go to Dashboard > Tools > Import
  • Click on WordPress
  • Install and activate the WordPress Importer plugin
  • Upload "arkai-demo-data.xml" and import it
  • Update the Permalinks from settings

Permalinks Settings

After importing demo data, please update your permalink. To update the permalink,

  • Go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and select Post name as a permalink
  • Click on the Save Settings button to make your changes.
Set Permalink

General Setup

1. Change Logo, Site Title, and Favicon

To change your Site Logo, Site Title, and Favicon. Follow the following steps

  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Site Identity
  • Select Logo, and Favicon, and write the site Title then.
  • Click on the Publish button.

2. Headers

Create a Beautiful Header

  1. Primary Menu
  2. Social Icons
  3. Search Icons
  4. Register Button
  5. Logo

3. Create a Menu

In this section, we will discuss menus and menu creation. Arkai theme has 2 menu locations (Main Menu and Footer Menu).

To Create and Activate Menu:

  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus.
  • Click on the Create New Menu button and give it a name.
  • Select Page, Posts, Categories, or create custom links then.
  • Click the Add To Menu button.
  • Select Menu Location Header Menu or Footer Menu.
  • Then Click on the Save Menu button.
Create a Menu

4. Social Icons

To change or add Social icons Follow the following steps:

  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Header > Social Profile Options.
  • Click on the Add New button, and give it a Social name and Profile file URL.
  • Click on the Publish button.

5. Create Author

You can create multiple authors on your site from the dashboard. Go to Dashboard > Users > Add new

6. Create a page

You can create a new page from Dashboard > Pages > Add New Page. If you need to create custom design pages (Contac, Author, Category, Register, Portfolio) then just select a page template and publish it.

7. Create a Categories

To create new Categories:

  • Go to Dashboard > Posts > Categories > Add New from your WordPress admin panel and
  • Write a Post Name
  • Slug
  • Description
  • Categories
  • Add Category Image.

8. Create Tag

To create a new tag, Go to Dashboard > Tags > New Tag give your tag name, slug, and description then click on the add new tag button.

9. Create a Post

To create a new Post :

  • Go to Dashboard > Posts > Add New Post  from your WordPress admin panel

Write a post:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Feature Image.

Pot Format

Select Post Formats that you like. Arkai has 7 post format.

  1. Standard
  2. Audio
  3. Video
  4. Image
  5. Gallery
  6. Quote
  7. Link
Pot Format

10. Create a Featured Post Slider

Araki theme has an awesome featured posts slider option to show some of your chosen posts as featured for the visitors. To add a feature post, Go to the post then click the Post Settings, and scroll down you will see the Extra post Feature option, now click on the featured post and set featured.

11. Set the Latest Postcard colors

You can use the postcard color on your latest post to display a beautiful postcard.

To use the Postcard color, go to the Post Settings and scroll down you will see the Extra Post Feature option, and Choose Post Background color.

12. Setting up Homepage and Blog Page

Arkai has 4 Homepages design. Home page one is set by default as your latest post. If you want to set up Homepage Two, Three and Four design then follow the steps.

  • Go to Dashboard > Pages > Add New Page
  • Click on the Add new page button and give a page title then
  • Select page template Homepage Two, Homepage Three, or Homepage Four which are you like then publish it.

To set up Home page, follow the steps:

  • Go to Dashboard > Setting > Reading
  • Click on A static page
  • Select the Homepage Two from the page list then click on the save changes button

Blog page setup:

  • Go to Dashboard > Pages > Add New Page
  • Click on the Add new page button and give a page title then click on publish button

To set up blog page, follow the steps:

  • Go to Dashboard > Setting > Reading
  • Click on Posts pages options
  • Select the Blog from the page list then click on the save changes button


In this section we explained how to customize Arkai's 4 Homepages. To customize the Homepages design layout follow the instructions: Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Templates

Home One

To customize homepage one layout go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Templates > Homepage one

You can customize here:

  • Featured posts section visibility
  • Change featured posts slider style
  • Change spacing
  • Featured post item number
  • Post column controls

Home Two

To customize homepage three layout go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Templates > Homepage Two

You can customize here:

  • Featured posts section visibility
  • Change featured posts slider style
  • Change spacing
  • Featured post item number
  • Category section visibility
  • Sidebar visibility
  • Post column controls

Home Three

To customize homepage three layout go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Templates > Homepage Three

You can customize here:

  • Featured posts section visibility
  • Change featured posts slider style
  • Change featured section spacing
  • Featured post item number
  • Category section visibility
  • Sidebar visibility
  • Post column controls

Home Four

To customize homepage four layout go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Templates > Homepage Four

You can customize from here:

  • Sections sorting.
  • Change Featured Post style and section spacing
  • Categories background color, section spacing, section title and item number to display.
  • Latest post section spacing, section title, button and items number to display.
  • Editor’s Pick section spacing, section title, button and selected post.

Blog Page

To customize blog page follow the steps below:

To customize blog page layout go to the Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Blog Page . You can customize

  • Blog column number
  • Postcard style
  • Postcard image ration, and pagination type.

Single Post Layouts

Arkai has 3 single post layouts. You can choose one form here.

  1. Default (No sidebar)
  2. Post with Right Sidebar
  3. Post with Left Sidebar
Single Post Layout Setting

Post header style:

Arkai has 5 single post header style.

  1. Default (Featured image Before Post Meta)
  2. Header style two (Featured image After Post Meta)
  3. Header style three 
  4. Header style four
  5. Header style five

To change single post layout settings Go to Dashboard > Post > post settings and scroll down. You will see the Single Post Style option. Now you can change post layout from here.

Table of content

Arkai has table of content feature you can control this feature in two ways globally and individually to change easily show/hide table of content each post.

  1. Change Table of content Globally:
    • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Post Details Page

2. Change Table of content Individually: You will see the table of content show/hide options in the every post editor.

Single Post sidebar

Arkai has post sidebar feature you can control this feature in two ways globally and individually to change easily show/hide sidebar each post.

  1. Change Sidebar Globally:
    • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Post Details Page

2. Change Sidebar Individually: You will see the Sidebar show/hide options in the every post editor.

Default Page sidebar

Arkai has default page sidebar and table of content feature you can control this feature globally from the theme options, to easily show/hide the sidebar.

  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Default Page

Custom Page templates

We have created some custom pages and post templates for the theme.

Custom Page templates

Page templates

  • Author List
  • Category List
  • Contact
  • Homepage Two
  • Homepage Three
  • Homepage Four
  • Portfolio
  • Sign in
  • Sign up
  • Register

Selecting page template

  1. Create a new page
  2. Go to page Settings on the right side and scroll down
  3. Click on the Templates option
  4. Select page template (i.e. “Register”)

Create Portfolios Page

Create your main portfolios page and assign it properly so your portfolio items will populate this page automatically.

To create a new portfolio item: Go to Dashboard > Portfolio > Add New Portfoliosyour WordPress admin panel.

Write a Portfolio Title, Description, Skills, and Client name, and set the Feature Image then click on the publish button

Forms Setup Guide

Here you see full setup guide for Contact form 7, Registration form and Newsletter form. Follow the guide below:

Contact form setup with Contact form 7

To Create a Contact form follow the steps:

  • Select all and copy the code in the box below.
<div class="row contact-form contact-form-three">
	<div class="col-md-6 py-3">
	    [text cf_name class:form-control placeholder "Name"]
	<div class="col-md-6 py-3">
	    [email* cf_mail class:form-control placeholder "Email"]
	<div class="col-lg-12 py-3">
	    [textarea* cf_msg class:form-control placeholder "Write your message here"]
	<div class="col-lg-12 py-3">
	    [submit class:btn class:btn-primary class:aos-init class:aos-animate class:rounded-50 "Send Message"]
  • Go to Dashboard > Contact > Add New and Enter the form name.
  • Remove all the default code from the Form box and paste the copied code.
  • Click on the Save button

  • Create a new page and give it the name “Contact” or anything.
  • Click on Settings on the right side top corner and scroll down
  • Select page template Contact
  • Click on the plus(+) icon on the page then find a widget “Contact Form 7” and select a contact form to add a contact form to the contact page.
  • Click on the Publish button

Register Form

To Create Register Page:

  • Go to Dashboard > User Registration > All Form
  • Already Create a Default form just Copy the Shortcode then
  • Create a new page from Dashboard > Pages > Add New
  • Enter the Page Title and Paste the Copied Shortcode
  • Click on Settings on the right side and scroll down
  • Select the page template “Contact”
  • Click on the Publish button

Newsletter Form

To create a newsletter section follow the 3 steps:

Step-1: Connect your MailChimp account.

Step-2: Create newsletter form in WordPress dashboard.

Step-3: Show Newsletter section in the site.

Step-1: Connect your MailChimp account

  • Firstly you need to connect your MailChimp account with Arkai theme.
  • Go to Dashboard > MC4WP > Mailchimp click on the Get your API key here
  • Login your mailchimp account. Find and Create an API Key then copy the key. (Learn how to generate API key)
  • Back API setting page in WP dashboard then Paste your key in the API key field.
  • Click on the Save Changes button.

Step-2: Create newsletter form

To Create a Newsletter Section:

Select all and copy the code in the box below.

<div class="newsletter-block">
       <div class="nl-head">
	   <div class="nl-icon">
		<i class="fa-regular fa-envelope"></i>
	   <h3>Subscribe To Our Newsletter</h3>
           <p>Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the latest news, updates, and much more. Don’t worry we never spam.</p>
	<div class="nl-form-wrap">
	    <div class="nl-form">
	        <input type="email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Write your email here"required="">
		<input type="submit" value="Subscribe">
  • Go to Dashboard > MC4WP > Form
  • Enter the Form Title and Paste the Copied Code in the Fields box.
  • Click on the Save Changes button.

After saving the Newsletter copy the shortcode

Copy the shortcode

Copy the shortcode

Step-3: Show Newsletter section in the site

After Copying the MailChimp form Shortcode.

  • Go to Appearance > Customize then
  • Click on Theme Options > Newsletter
  • Paste Shortcode Newsletter Field then
  • Click on the Publish button

Customizer theme options

Arkai theme has a powerful customization panel that will help you to customize theme options, logo, colors, and Typography and see the all changes in the live preview before saving.

  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize
Picture: Dashboard > Appearance > Customize

Customization options is  here.

Picture: Arkai theme Customization Options

Theme Options

  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize
  • Click on Theme Options then
  • You can change Typography and Color
  • Show or Hide Breadcrumb menu
  • Show or Hide Newsletter section
  • Change Pagination Style then

Theme Options

Header Customization

You will customize header content from Header option. You can change from here:

  • Social profile option
  • Change Logo position
  • Show/Hide Login Register
  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize then
  • Click on the Header option, now you will see all the header options
  • Now make your changes that you want then click on Publish button.

Footer Customization

To Customize footer options:

Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Footer

You can customize footer top option:

  • Show/hide footer top widgets and
  • Change footer Background color and image,
  • Footer top spacing
  • Show footer widgets column
  • Widget title and text color
  • After customize never forgate to click on the Publish button

You can customize footer copyright:

  • Show/hide footer copyright and copyright text and Display border
  • Change text color, border color, and background color.
  • After customize never forgate to click on the Publish button


To Change Homepage and portfolio page template follow the instruction:

  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize
  • Click on Template then

  • Click on HomePage One if you want to show or hide the Display Feature Section
  • Click on HomePage Two if you want to show or hide Featured Posts, Category Sections, and Sidebar. You can Select the post column(One, Two, Three).
  • Click on Portfolio section for changing portfolio Column (One, Two, Three)
  • Click on Publish button


You can Create a new menu and Customize from Customization option:

  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Menu


You can add or customize the Footer top & Bottom widgets from here:

  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Widgets

Homepage Settings

You can choose what’s displayed on the homepage of your site. It can be posts in reverse chronological order (classic blog), or a fixed/static page. To set a static homepage, you first need to create two Pages. One will become the homepage, and the other will be where your posts are displayed.

Additional CSS

If you need to use custom CSS. You can do it very easily.

To add Additional CSS Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS . Just enter your CSS code and Publish it.

Widgets & Sidebars

We have developed custom widgets and widget areas in the theme. Widgets are easy to manage and can be incredibly useful to have on your site. Arkai theme has 4 Footer Top widget areas, Blog sidebar area. You can add here any widget from the widgets List

To add Widgets Go to Appearance > Widgets.

Widget Lists

  • AK Recent Post -Display the latest posts list.
  • AK Author Bio - To add information, picture, and sign for your magazine/blog.
  • AK Popular Post - Display Popular posts list.
  • AK Social Profile - Display social media icons
  • Mail Chimp Sign From. Display Newsletter Sign-up form.
  • Tag Cloud Display Post tag cloud.
  • Categories - Display the category's latest posts.
  • Inline Icon Use this for the About page.
  • About Block - To add information, picture, and sign for your magazine/blog
  • Counter - Display the Counter section on the About page. Just type widget name  in the search bar you will find the widgets in widget list.

To add a Widgets Go to Appearance > Widgets click on the widget area where you want to add then click on the plus(+) icon and find a widget which your need then click on widget

Widget Area

  • Blog Sidebar - This is the Blog sidebar widget area used for blog posts and Home Page Two Sidebar.
  • Footer Top Area 1, 2, 3 & 4 – You can use these widget areas to add widgets to the Footer Top columns.
Widget Area


We used a minimal footer in our theme. Here are the following parts:

  1. About Text
  2. Links
  3. Tag Cloud
  4. Social Profiles
  • Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets
  • To add a Widgets Go to Appearance > Widgets click on the footer widget where you want to add, then click on the plus(+) icon and find a widget which your need then click on widget.

Footer Copyright

To add footer copyright text follow the instruction:

Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Footer > Footer Copyright

How to Update the theme

Arkai theme may be updated periodically in order to add new features and fix bugs. You have two methods to update the theme.

Envato update

Envato has developed the Envato Market Plugin for WordPress. This plugin automatically alerts you on your dashboard when a new version of the theme is available and you can update it automatically from your WordPress dashboard. Follow the upcoming steps to install and use it.

Updating Manually

  • Download the latest theme version from ThemeForest > Downloads.
  • Extract the ZIP theme Package to the normal folder.
  • Go to Appearance > Themes
  • Click on Add New > Upload then install


Again Thank you for purchasing our theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to send your questions to our support email:

If you find any bug, or issue or just having some problems with the theme, use our ticket system:

Support includes

Item support does not include

  • Customization and installation services. (You can ask for paid support; at
  • Support for third-party software and plug-ins

Wish You All the best. Take Care!

The Arkai Development Team


Click on the changelog button to see the Arkai changelog.